Dogs on Show
If you’re looking for a fun dog sport to enjoy with your dog or want some advice on what dog would suit your lifestyle, then look no further than Dogs on Show!
This free and fun event is held at DOGS NSW grounds at Orchard Hills.
Dogs On Show will feature a Championship Dog Show, a colourful Pageant of Breeds (a showcase of different breeds and information about their origins) and sporting demonstrations which include Agility, Drafting, Dances with Dogs, Junior Handlers, Herding, Trick Dog, Scent Work, Jack Russell Terrier Racing, Earthdog Trials and Retrieving. Come and see which sport you and your dog could try a paw at!
Besides a showcase of dog products and services stands, ‘Dogs on Show’ will also have many breed clubs in attendance as well as a DOGS NSW Information stand to provide expert advice on all the Dogs Australia recognised breeds. This will be a fabulous day out for any dog enthusiast, or simply a fun FREE day out for the entire family. There is something for everyone, so why not come along and enjoy in the festivities.
This event is brought to you by DOGS NSW and proudly sponsored by Royal Canin.
Be a part of all the FREE fun sports and activities at Dogs on Show!
Bring your dog, bring your family, and have FUN! This event has FREE ADMISSION & PARKING!
Past Event - No Futures dates planned at this time.