Bang Bang You’re Dead
Written by William Mastrosimone, Director Anthony Brown, Assistant Director Jessica Hanlon.
Bang Bang You’re Dead is a visceral examination of the culture that can breed violence in contemporary society, and a heartbreaking introspection at the aftermath of that violence.
Alone in the darkness, teenager Josh is woken by a flashlight and a voice asking, “Why me?” Quickly and to his confusion, four other voices join – these five characters (Michael, Katie, Matt, Jessie, and Emily) are Josh’s victims from his shooting rampage in the school cafeteria that morning. They have returned to him and force him to confront and relive the events that led to that moment: his first hunting experience, heartbreak when Katie “dumped him for Michael,” bullying voices from school, his violent threat on a chalkboard, being expelled from school, and finally being forced to see a psychotherapist. He contemplates suicide, but then chooses to take his aggression, anger, and depression out.
PG 13+ (Not suitable for kids some violence and strong themes).
Past Event - No Futures dates planned at this time.